Pickaway County, OH

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If you have any Genealogy Reports you would like to contribute on individuals with a connection to Pickaway County, see "A Guide for contributing your material to share with others via the Pickaway County OHGenWeb site" All files are "as is" and I cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the information contained in this database. I regret I cannot assist you in your personal research or prevent duplication of data. My goal is to provide these files to aid you in finding and/or correcting your family information.


  1. Eva Barbara

  2. Henry William Faust

  3. Fredrick Funk

  4. Sarah Funkhouser

  5. Daniel Funkhouser

  6. Joseph Good

  7. Samuel Parrett

  8. George William Ritchhart

  9. Jacob Robinson

  10. Thomas Bradley Roth

  11. Justus Grey Schooler

  12. Johann Weidinger

  13. John Welty

  14. James Wilson

  15. Charles Louis WEIDINGER



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